Fertility Experts around the globe trust in PROFERTIL®s evidence-
based, patented formulation and clinically-proven efficacy,
but nothing is more convincing than seeing it work in their own patients.
Hear what a few experts recently had to say about their experiences with PROFERTIL®

Dr. Claus Riedl
Specialist in Urology / Director of the Urology Department at Landesklinikum Thermenregion Baden
«Of particular importance is the topic of “DNA damage in sperm cells,” which is the subject of much current research. Although a man’s sperm supply is inexhaustible, the sperm quality decreases with age. Studies have shown that PROFERTIL® protects sperm against damage to genetic material (DNA). “Fragile DNA” is increasingly present in male sperm production from the age of 35. This means that PROFERTIL® protects the genetic material that we pass on to the next generation and provides the best conditions for our children to have a good start in life.»

Dr. Wilfried Feichtinger
IVF Institute for Fertility, Vienna / Wunschbaby, Institute Feichtinger
«Half of the causes of infertility are found in men, and a significant proportion of these are associated with low spermiogram results. If it is possible to further confirm the promising effects on the number and quality of sperm that this supplement showed in the Imhof study, it could reduce the medical effort required for male infertility or, ideally, make fertility treatment unnecessary.»

Dr. Josef Zech
Private Fertility Clinic, Innsbruck / Private Fertility Clinic, Dres. med.
«In my 25 years as a reproductive physician, I have experienced many frustrating attempts to improve the quality of the ejaculate with medication. PROFERTIL® is in my opinion the first scientifically verifiable combination of active ingredients that improves sperm quality. Oligo-terato-asthenospermia is only a part of the “male factor.” I am convinced that there will be many more measurable aspects in the future that will benefit from such micronutrients.»

Dr. Erik Randall Huber
FEBU / Specialist in Urology
«Physical (heat, trauma), chemical (smoking, medication), anatomical (varicoceles) and infectious causes can lead to DNA strand breaks in sperm. Such sperm have a limited ability to fertilize an egg, and if they do, they present a much higher risk of miscarriage. New scientific research shows that about half of all involuntarily childless couples show DNA fragmentation in the sperm. The analysis of the degree of DNA fragmentation in sperm is therefore an important complement to the spermiogram. However, it is even more important to offer a suitable therapy for these cases in order to make the wish to have children come true.
The study “DNA Fragmentation Index Decreases after Micronutrient Supplementation” showed that PROFERTIL® significantly reduced sperm DNA fragmentation after 3 months of use. With PROFERTIL®, urologists can finally offer their patients a therapy option for treating idiopathic subfertility that has scientifically proven efficacy.»

Dr. Martin Imhof
Gynecologist, Chief Physician at Korneuburg Clinic / IMI Center for Fertility
«The causes of infertility are found in men almost as often as they are in women. This means that it is very important to first have the male sperm tested with a spermiogram in the initial phase of treatment. If it turns out that the cause is found in the man, antioxidative therapy can significantly improve the parameters of sperm analysis. The efficacy of the special formula provided by PROFERTIL® has been demonstrated in clinical studies with over a thousand patients. The remarkable results of these studies are probably the most convincing reason to prescribe the product in cases of male infertility.»
What patients are saying about PROFERTIL®